

Friday, June 19, 2009

Monica Makes THINGS!

I have had a FANTASTIC day today. I was so productive. I rented studio space at the craft college and just went to town on all the silk and velvet scarves and pillows and other lovely things. I prepped 30ish items to be dyed, and then tried a new type of dye bath I hadn't done before. It turned out beautifully and with better results than I had in the past with a longer, less impressive dye method. I dyed up some velvet scarves that I just cannot wait to dry so I can really see how they turned out. Here is a terrible, low quality snap of them, I was too excited to wait until they are dry to take nice photos:

Besides the velvet scarves I also dyed some silk ones that I am going to experiment with screen printing and painting on, as well as some silk pillows and hankerchiefs. I bought a large order of silks and velvets and several different kinds of dyes, and really want to experiment with new techniques, and with color all summer long. I'll be posting my makings much more often. I've also gotten a handy dandy new camera lens that will help that out. (The lens is not responsible for the bad photos haha)